By: Elizabeth Coffey, Marketing G2 Digital Marketing Specialist

Even with Facebook’s recent algorithm change, publishers can still cultivate a social media presence that drives meaningful engagement, it just requires a little bit more effort. You can’t hope to throw in a few random posts or tweets into your content marketing strategy and have those posts take off and become viral. There is a lot more competition today for your audience’s attention.

The first step when determining whether social media should be a part of your content marketing strategy is evaluating how many followers you have and of those followers, how many are actively engaged with your brand. If your platform presence needs a boost, try these tips:

  1. Understand why you’re using social media in the first place. What do you want to accomplish?
  2. Let your audience see what your brand stands for and who you are as a publisher.
  3. Create content for your platforms every day or watch your audience engagement fall.
  4. Respond to comments, engage with your audience, and repeat as needed.
  5. Collaborate with other publishers and influencers.

What content should you post on social media? Quality, short, bite-sized content that your audience can consume and comment on as they scroll.

Some examples of the kind of content you want to post to social media include:

  • Quick tips
  • Infographics
  • FAQs
  • Short videos
  • Quick blog posts (short)
  • Graphs / charts
  • Lists
  • Images

What is your publication posting to social media?

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Why are you using social media?

Make sure that it makes sense for your publication